Firstly, As my friend falls on the bed, I think it looks really effective, especially in slow motion, although the timing needs to be altered to fit with the beat and when she hits the bed. I struggled with the camera angle and trying to fit the bed in portrait so I had to film it landscape. Also, I think the quality isn't the best, and it has a yellow/orange tint which I don't think looks very professional. I am still deciding whether to re film the clip with better lighting equipment or think of other ideas such as, water falling on someone, with the same impact as falling.
WHITE CUT EFFECT - On my editing timeline, I placed a white flash so when she falls on the bed it flashes.
I have done a close up of the eyes opening. This looks effective as it showing her awakening as she begins to tell the story... Although, the lighting is also a problem as it's too dark which makes the quality of the scene not as good as the others. What can I do to improve? Get better lighting equipment to make the eye look much brighter.